The Applied Ecology & Conservation Lab is a research team from Life Sciences Department of the State University of Santa Cruz (UESC), and collaborators from other universities committed to conducting applied and basic ecological research in both land and marine realms, with a clear emphasis on the southern state of Bahia, northeastern Brazil.
The lab team has been addressing ecological studies within a series of research lines, including 1. the assessment of biodiversity patterns and ecological processes in anthropogenic landscapes; 2. conservation genetics; 3. studies on ecological networks; 4. ecological restoration; 5. ecology and conservation of species with conservation concern (exotic, endemic, endangered, charismatic species); 6. functional and phylogenetic diversity and 7. Spatial conservation prioritization in terrestrial and marine biomes.
Since 2012, the lab has also an important partnership with the Public Prosecutor (PP) from Bahia, an institution that works in the legal defense of the Atlantic Forest (AF) biome. Our mission is to provide technical information to subsidise the PP on its activities, a collaboration with striking strategic importance for both institutions.